Iran releases the ten sailors: the kidnapping lasted less than ten hours

(To Franco Iacch)

The sailors kidnapped by the Revolutionary Guards were released yesterday afternoon. The two small boats had entered Iranian territorial waters in the Gulf.

The soldiers, nine men and one woman, are in good health and have been detained in an appropriate location. The aircraft carriers USS Harry S. Truman and the French Charles de Gaulle they were in international waters near the island Farsi when US boats have been captured.

According to media reports in Tehran, the units would have been captured after pushing for two kilometers into Iranian territorial waters.

The sailors - according to the Pentagon - they were carrying out a training mission between Kuwait and Bahrain, when due to mechanical problems they were transported adrift in Iranian waters.

US Secretary of State John Kerry previously confirmed that it would be an accident and guaranteed the imminent release of the Americans. Reassurances also from the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif.

The Iranians would have guessed the accidental nature of the trespass. The kidnapping of the American military lasted just under ten hours.

(photo: USMC archive)