Liquid armor is reality


Scientists from the Moratex research institute, in collaboration with the Military Institute of Armament Technology in Warsaw, have invented a new bulletproof "liquid armor". Unlike water, the non-Newtonian fluid "Shear-Thickening" (thickening fluids when cut) hardens upon impact with a high-speed bullet at any temperature.

For Moratex, the liquid armor is the ultimate protection against bullets.

"We needed a liquid capable of resisting both the bullets that hit 450 meters per second and those that reach the target at higher speeds.The ability to stop the liquid combined with the smaller deviation of the affected area, provides a level of security high compared to that offered by traditional Kevlar solutions ".

The impact of the bullet x striking the ballistic fabric y, causes a deformation in the surface of the jacket. The latter is designed to absorb and disperse both the stopping force and the splinter penetration.

The deformation of the ballistic fabric can cause so-called "blunt trauma" (puncture trauma). The tilt of the surface can also reach four centimeters causing inner injuries or fractures of the operator wearing the jacket.

"Thanks to the properties of 'bulletproof cream', the threat is zeroed by 100% due to the lower deflection of the affected area, reduced from four centimeters to one".

The new STF impregnated reinforcements will be much lighter than the existing ones, more comfortable and will not interfere in any way with the user's motor skills.

At the studio, impregnated magnetoreological fluid. Polish scientists are not the first to work on liquid armor.

BAE Systems is developing an armor that combines dilators and Kevlar, while the US Army Research Lab has conducted studies on the bulletproof properties of non-Newtonian fluids with the University of Delaware.

Franco Iacch

(frame: euronews)