The gym of hate


"It was a heroic action. The kidnapping of the three Israelis represents a milestone in the history of the Palestinian people. " Muhammad Nazal, a historic political figure of Hamas, publicly praised the kidnapping of three young Israeli students last week.

These phrases should not surprise us because the leaders of Hamas are not new to these utterances. Every kidnapping, attack or killing of Israelis is publicly praised.

Last year, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh encouraged the kidnapping of Israelis to be used as a bargaining chip. Statements that clearly emphasized the internal purpose of Hamas. In 2007, Hamas Khaled Mashaal, head of the political office of Hamas during a rally said: "Hamas is determined to free all Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons, kidnapping other soldiers or using other methods".

Mahmoud Zahar, senior Hamas member, during a ceremony commemorating the exchange between Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and 1027 Palestinian prisoners, stressed that the enemy's soldiers represent a target at any time, adding that they can be killed, injured or held captive by militants.

Hating Israeli civilians is a task that is very important to Hamas. The indoctrination starts early: a child from Gaza learns to despise Israel on his first day of school. Hamas's education system teaches students that Jews do not have a connection to the land of Israel and that they come from Europe. Their textbooks make no mention of Jews from Arab countries. There is no recognition of the Jewish people as a nation. Jews are described as criminals and thieves.

Hamas spreads this propaganda in schools with brochures and television programs. The Hamas propaganda channels are constantly monitored by Israeli and American intelligence agencies. They are a classic example of indoctrination, which has nothing to envy of the Nazi Hitler-Jugend. Indeed, in some ways, Hamas education is far more ruthless.

Since last year, Hamas teaches children Hebrew, which they define as "the language of the enemy". According to the head of the Minister of Education of Gaza, Mahmoud Matar, Israel is the enemy and the teaching of the enemy's language is fundamental to understand it (and defeat it). To keep Gaza's youth indoctrinated during the holidays, Hamas also organizes summer camps. Hamas, in collaboration with other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, uses the summer holidays as a way to promote Jihad, the "liberation of Palestine" and the "Death in honor of Allah."

A few years ago, the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees, the Al-Nasser Sahal al-Din brigade, opened its own terrorist academy. Almost a year ago, the first "graduate student". The curriculum includes physical training, defense courses, military strategy and the use of anti-tank missiles.

Meanwhile, the staff of the Israeli army updates on the mission "Brother's Keeper". The alleged Palestinians linked to the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers are rising at 280. 200 of them have been identified and recognized as operating Hamas. Fifty-five of them were released in exchange for the release of Gilad Shalit.

Israeli forces have been conducting a huge search and rescue operation in Judea and Samaria since last Friday. Investigate about 900 locations and some facilities run by the Dawa, a non-militarized arm (?) Of Hamas used to recruit workers, disseminate information and raise funds.

The forces deployed in the "Brother's Keeper" rescue mission are impressive. Transport and assault helicopters have been deployed along the West Bank, militarized in just a few hours. The new Palestinian government, which controls the 38 per cent of the West Bank, has rejected the accusations, stating that the boys have disappeared in an Israeli-controlled territory. Beyond the slurs of Hamas that continues its psychological war on social networks (read article), Israel's capacity is feared in the Middle East.

IDF himself provides details in this regard. We have so many drones in flight and departments deployed - they say from the army - that it is enough for us to identify a target to send an armed and self-sufficient commando. Even more explicit is the Chief of Staff, General Benny Gantz, who has nevertheless reassured the allies, worried about an armed response that is too heavy and could trigger a large-scale conflict in the Middle East. We are operating wherever it is needed - Gantz said - our efforts continue to grow, but we will act with responsibility, balance and determination.

The three teenagers, Eyal Yifrah of 19 years and sixteen-year-old Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel, were last seen Thursday evening, in Gush Etzion, near Bethlehem, north of Hebron, before being kidnapped by terrorists. They are students of a religious school in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank. It is the first time that three civilians have been kidnapped in the same action. A few hours ago, a timer appeared on the blog run by the Israeli military staff: it counts days, hours and seconds from the seizure. The hope is that a video of the three with the demands of the terrorists will soon be able to appear on the net. At the moment it is only important to know them in life. At the moment this is holding back the "anger" of Israel.

The United Nations organization has initially condemned the kidnappings and general secretary Ban Ki-moon expressed solidarity with the families of the boys. However, Ban Farhan Haq's spokesman then claimed that the UN cannot confirm the responsibility for the abductions. The Israelis have condemned these statements by posting a video on youtube in which the UN is defined as "hypocritical and out of the world".

The Israeli ambassador Ron Prosor, in a speech to the United Nations condemned Hamas, expressing disdain for the international community that has not yet understood the danger of the new role assumed by Hamas in the Palestinian national unity government. Where you are - Prosor asked the international community - you are out of the world.

The kidnapping occurred just 10 days after Fatah and Hamas formed a national unity government. Those who have blessed this union, should look into the eyes of the tortured parents and have the courage to assume their responsibility.

Franco Iacch

(Photo: IDF)