ISIS, Delta Force: "When we go into action, terrorists die"


In one of the rare attacks conducted in Syria, a US Army commando killed a man described as the head of the Islamic State's oil operations, captured his wife and rescued a woman, the couple's slave. The pentagon also issued the name of the unit sent to battle: 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment, better known as Delta Force.

It is surprising that the Pentagon has spoken of the Delta, considering that all information regarding the unit is classified and details on the missions and operations are generally not available to the public. The Delta Force commando aboard highly modified Black Hawk helicopters, Osprey V-22 aircraft and protected by Apache war helicopters, took off Friday night from Iraq to an oil field in the al-Amr region, in Syria. Shortly before, the aerial domain with the American F-22 was imposed (second protocol). Anything unauthorized had risen in flight would have been immediately knocked down by those who, to date, are the best fighters in the world.

The raid was authorized by President Obama. The Delta Force, as well as any other American special department, acts with its own action, transport and logistics group, receiving every kind of support possible. Near the compound, flying gunboats and armed drones were also sent to protect US troops. About thirty aircraft between F-15, F-16 and A-10 were in flight nearby and ready to provide overhead coverage. Finally, another attacking terrestrial group would have gone into action if the situation had requested it. The second group would remain in flight and not participate in the raid.

The objective of the operation was a leading figure of the Islamic State: Abu Sayyaf. The man was tracked down inside a heavily defended three-story building, which is why the assault group was upgraded. The raid was attended by 50 and 70 men from the Delta, as well as a support group from the CIA and the Navy Seal. Once the snipers were positioned, the Delta broke into the building and encountered heavy resistance.

"Not a few shots, but a real gunfight". From the Pentagon they talked about several shootings. The militiamen inside, although they were all armed, could do nothing against, probably, the best assault team on the planet.

The Delta Force has eliminated twelve terrorists, as well as Abu Sayyaf. No American was killed or injured. Abu Sayyaf's wife, the terrorist Umm Sayyaf, was taken to a secret CIA base in Iraq. A woman belonging to the Yazidi religious minority who became the "slave of the couple" was released. Also found are ancient Assyrian texts and other priceless artifacts such as mobile phones, laptops and documents.

The objective of the mission was to obtain information on ISIS operations and hostages still in the hands of terrorists. Abu Sayyaf was described as "the emir of the oil and gas" of the Islamic state, one of the movement's biggest financiers. day from the sale of oil on the black market in addition to the millions obtained thanks to the racket of extortion and all other criminal activities, such as kidnappings.

US Defense Secretary Ash Carter, in Washington, announced the raid, followed soon after by a statement from the White House. "We have not informed the Assad government in any way, they must not interfere with our efforts to combat ISIS. Assad is not a partner in the fight against terrorism, he supports those we fight and then it is not good to stand against the Delta. You know, when these guys come into action, people die. "

Franco Iacch

(photo: US DoD archive)