Iran: US war fleet destroyed in new propaganda video

(To Franco Iacch)

Some children play soccer on the beach on a quiet summer day: some wear European club jerseys. The screams of children are muffled by the darkness that suddenly darkens the sun. Off a US war fleet that opens fire first against an airliner and then against helpless civilians. Iranians arise who, armed with flags, hurl themselves against US units: their anger creates monstrous tsunamis that overwhelm everything.

The new Iranian propaganda video, produced by theOrganization of Islamic Information, an office under the direct supervision of the country's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei. Published on 21 last August, according to the house that made it, it took two years to complete the final assembly.

The idea was to show the anger of the Iranian people to a US attack in the Persian Gulf. The video was inspired by the tragic 3 July 1988 incident, when an Iran Air 300 A655 was shot down by a US missile while flying over the Strait of Hormuz, causing the death of 290 people on board. The scheduled flight was mistaken by the American military for an F-14 Tomcat of the IRIAF.

"Another step and we will break your legs", shout the Iranians on the beach bombed by the US navy, according to the translation made by MEMRI. The US fleet does not seem to accept the warnings and continues to advance, when the anger of civilians armed with flags turns into a tsunami that overwhelms everything: cruisers, landing craft, aircraft carriers and helicopters. The missile class cruiser is no escape Ticonderoga, USS Vincennes, the same one who in the 1988 launched the missile against the line area.

The sea swallows thousands of American soldiers: on the surface only a battered American flag, now in tatters and in flames. The sea returns the ball to the children who resume playing among the festive shouts of civilians.

The video, the full version lasts seven minutes, would not have been well received in Iran. The pro-government website called it "a ridiculous Bollywood film that does not take into account the real military capabilities of the country".

To you the judgment.