Coalition's largest air strike on Syria: ISIS loses millions of dollars worth of oil

(To David Bartoccini)

The air raid conducted yesterday by the Coalition is to be considered the largest ever launched on Eastern Syria - 168 tankers belonging to ISIL (acronym of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) were destroyed in the areas surrounding Palmira causing a loss of revenue to the 'Black Caliphate' of millions of dollars.

As reported this morning by the spokesman of the International Coalition (CJTF), Colonel John Dorrian L. - "The coalition continues to vigorously pursue the air war aimed at destabilizing and countering the resources through which ISIL finances itself. The large sums of money that are made from the sale of oil are regularly invested to carry out terrorist attacks against anyone who does not share their barbarous ideology".

Although Syrian government forces have regained control of Palmyra last March, sporadic fighting and militant 'movements' continue to take place near the city.

The International Coalition, whose motto "One Mission, many nations", counts 53 member countries. The nations take part more assiduously in missions of aerial bombardment are: USA, Great Britain, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Australia, United Arab Emirates and Turkey.