Convicted of uselessness


In the end we got there, the New York Times, referring to accredited sources, tells of military aid for 3 billions of dollars in favor of Ukraine, this choice of Washington unequivocally brings out the conflict, so far under track, between the American administration and the Kremlin.

The implications could be catastrophic for the stability of Eastern Europe, but above all they could definitively cancel the diplomatic relations between the entire Western system and the Russian Bear, a system of agreements woven in the twenty years following the fall of the wall and progressed to the apex of the Pratica di Mare partnership for peace in the 2002.

Today the scenario has completely changed, yet the Georgian events of 2006 do not appear too far from the military and political clash that took place first for Crimea and then for Donbass. 

One wonders, but this remains only a reasoning, if the difference lies in the peaceful climate of the new Europe at 28 states, because if the enlargement to the east of Brussels damages the increasingly less hegemonic Russia of Putin, even more does it do to the US than they see their own deterrent role in collapse. 

The unexpected aid to the US State Department, with the aim of preventing the condemnation of European futility, is given by countries such as Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and so on. Having entered the Western sphere of influence a little over a decade ago, they seem to be dictating the rules, but in reality they are instruments to guarantee Americans survival in the old continent and with it Atlantic relations. Ukraine for its geographical position is not an ideal bridge between West and East, but a new potential wall to separate the good from the bad, the fair from the iniquitous, the capitalist model from something that is different from it. 

It is not a question of missiles, atavistic fears inherent in the countries that suffered from the Soviet domination, nor much less fear that Putin could be the new credible anti-Islam reference, it is a matter of lost hegemony, the Americans do not want to take the risk of another condemnation to useless.

Andrea Pastore

(photo: US Air Force)