More about recent episodes in southern Lebanon ...
Dear Director, I followed the exchange of messages relating to the recent incidents in Lebanon (the letter entitled 'If the army soldiers are hiding and ...
Professionalism, ability and engagement of Italian military are out of the question
Dear Director, I am writing to you because the allusions and opinions expressed by the letter you published yesterday regarding the incident to a Contingent patrol ...
If the soldiers of the army hide and flee, what will become of us?
The recent terrorist attack in Paris, claimed by IS terrorists, has created a state of tension that has spread among the populations of European countries and even here in ...
And now even strategic military thinking is to be contracted
Dear Director, I am writing to you because recently consulting the website of the defense staff in the calls for tenders section I had the opportunity to come across a strange notice ...
Letter from the general commander of the Corps of Port Authorities
I felt a spontaneous bitterness in reading the article (I don't think it had the role of a "letter") entitled "150th anniversary of the Port Authorities - Guard ...
Paracarro beats commemorative memorial 2 to ZERO
It is certainly a particular title, the one I have chosen, but certainly less vulgar and free from the risk of having to pay royalties, than the phrase
Defense: and if the change was dangerous?
Dear director, as a faithful reader of Online Defense, it seems to me that I have not read anything about the change at the top of one of the most significant seats of our defense ...
150 ° anniversary of the Port Authorities - Coast Guard, when to celebrate means propaganda
Dear director, celebrating one hundred and fifty years of history of a military body belonging to the Navy means showing off your lights but also doing the math ...

Letter to the editor regarding "A lesson for today's strategists from Lawrence of Arabia"
Egr. Director, I have been a reader of the magazines for a short time. I enjoyed some articles and others I would have something to ...
Faeto: A Way to remember the fallen Italian 54 in Afghanistan
It was held in Faeto in the province of Foggia, the ceremony organized by the non-profit association Mario Frasca with the municipality ...
After the 36 ° course Cocim at the Center for High Defense Studies: some synthesis considerations
Last Friday, 18 September, the thirty-sixth edition of the Military Civil Cooperation course ended ...
Missions Decree, the White Paper enters from the window in spite of institutional correctness
The inclusion in the "International Missions Decree" of organizational reorganization rules, also provided for in the Book ...
Monolithic defense: astute maneuvers, we discover the altars and the authoritarian design begins to reveal itself?
Dear editor, I am an attentive reader of your newspaper and a student of national security issues and ...
Marò: if Girone is not a hostage that makes us in India?
On the occasion of the < > while we remember all the ...
Italy has the largest number of armored vehicles in Europe
In an area far from the city clamor and only reachable by an anonymous street and without any indication, the ...
The September war
Putin's geopolitical vision is a hegemonic desire for US power over Europe, including countries that ...
The First World War, the spirit of the world, the indifference of our time
"One day your scream and my roar today on us the high voice of God". The Colle di Sant'Elia is today a cemetery, not ...
When the priests do not study they start to censor the Alpine Prayer
The censorship is mortification of ideas and as such should not be adopted under any circumstances, even if what we are about to read or ...
The Islamic "warrior" and the Western "will of power"
The aggressive attitude of the ISIS Islamic group has a foundation in hatred not only towards the decadent ...
If the naja does not want to die
Nothing, naja does not want to die. The compulsory leverage never goes out of fashion and as a timeless must come back ...
