After the 36 ° course Cocim at the Center for High Defense Studies: some synthesis considerations

(To Marco Valerio Verni)

The 36th edition of the course of military civil cooperation ended on Friday, 18 September. COCIM, organized by the Center for Higher Studies in Defense: the selected participants, all of high curriculum profile, and coming both from the military world (Army, Carabinieri, Aeronautics, Navy, Guardia di Finanza) and civil (various Ministries, State Police , Fire Brigade, State Forestry Corps, Universities, liberal professions, associations and industry), after a period of online study ?? of five weeks, they subsequently faced the residential phase of fourteen days, held in the splendid setting of Palazzo Salviati, in Rome, at the end of which they were subjected to the relative final exam to achieve the coveted and prestigious "patent".

This course is cyclically organized by the Ministry of Defense with the aim of providing visitors with an updated overview of civil-military cooperation, as well as the regulatory and procedural areas in force concerning civil and military defense (please excuse the repetition), protection civil and civil emergency planning, at national level, UN, EU and NATO.

Also this year, what has been highlighted once again, if ever there was a need - and there is a need - is the new defense model of the ?? system-country ?? which should characterize the way of thinking of all the actors (civil and military) called to implement it, and which should be based on an increasingly marked cooperation between the different realities (institutional and otherwise), all invariably involved in? possible response to external (and internal, various kinds) threats to the nation, also and above all in light of their multiplicity, complexity and diffusion and of the risks, really of every kind, to which it (?? system-country ??) is nowadays subjected.

The starting point is naturally constituted by the awareness (which should increasingly permeate the modus cogendi et operandi of each manager and, primarily, of every politician) that the strength of a country must necessarily depend also on the ability to guarantee the continuity of the government action, safeguarding the vital interests of the state, protecting the population and the nation's economic, productive, logistical and social capacities, in the event of an emergency or (as far as possible) a crisis, regardless of the causes ( human or natural) that triggered them.

To do this, in today's multi-tasking scenario, it is also increasingly necessary not only to get used to ?? cooperate ??, breaking down the traditional barriers between the military world ?? and the civilized world, but also, and above all, to know how to cooperate, integrating and / or mutually compensating, more and more, the decision-making and operative capacities of the respective structures, respecting the attributions and institutional tasks of each.

Hence the other great need to (continue to) develop a common language that can allow the different actors to hone their skills and abilities which, by virtue of what has been said, will find themselves interacting with each other in a context increasingly oriented to comprehensive approach and to an activity of problem solving called upon to face situations that take place in a scenario where even the borderline between internal security, external security and Defense has become increasingly blurred over time and in which traditional players have come to support others by now, with new models organizational and management and new technological solutions.

From this point of view, the omen is that this symbiosis process ?? among the various realities you find more and more development, even if the objective, however ambitious, does not appear at all easy: on the one hand, it is a question of bringing together a myriad of subjects, each with its own reference standards, the their own structures, their own management and operational schemes; on the other hand, succeeding in overcoming the natural distrust (in some ways understandable) that, especially in the world of industry, still exists in ?? one's know-how (albeit in clearly delimited contexts), which responds to logics different from those to which a public apparatus is called to respond. A big step forward could be the fact that, in the future, it is the same Presidency of the Council (for the responsibilities inherent in its prerogatives, also and above all in subiecta materia) to ?? take charge? of the question (and no longer just the Ministry of Defense, which could innocently risk being "vox clamantis in deserto"), so that we can reach a truly together vision of what now seems to be the best and more modern approach to defend our country system and, therefore, the interests of our nation.