Missions Decree, the White Paper enters from the window in spite of institutional correctness

(To Co.Ce.R. MARINA)

The inclusion in the "International Missions Decree" of organizational reorganization rules, also provided for in the White Paper, leads this Council to unpleasant considerations.

From the point of view of the method, we could be faced with the start of a phase of acceleration and fragmentation of provisions relating to the White Paper, in order to avoid that the entire legislative implementation system is properly evaluated by Parliament, and even before that it can be judged by the RM.

In the specific case it is declared urgent, inserting it in the decree law, a rule that is not so and that outlines the new mode of advancement of forces, therefore it appears only another umpteenth little theater that nothing to do with the many real needs of the organization that are reflected on the military.

Actually, something else seems urgent to us, from the reorganization of the careers of non-managerial staff, for which we have had promises that at this point we find it hard to believe, to the resolution of the blocking of promotions for shares of our former bosses, to the never resolved problem of Staff Sergeants / Graduates enrolled in accordance with law no. 958, the continuous delays in the promotion of Graduated personnel to the higher level, the delays with which operational activities are paid and the lack of economic resources for the barracks services which consequently are carried out by demanagement of the staff with respect to the professionalism possessed.

If with these problems to be solved, the military and political leaders think that it is a priority to legislate on the method of advancement, it is understandable why currently in the military world a large majority of personnel are disappointed and unmotivated.

There is enough to be worried about the future, also because a careless management of the real difficulties facing the military world gives a voice to those who claim that they are only useful for carrying out civil protection activities.

The Co.Ce.R Marina wants to affirm its role and for this reason it asks to be heard by the Minister of Defense and by the Parliamentary Defense Commissions, to represent the real uneasiness that our staff lives and the doubts about the necessity and the method with which they are introducing innovations to the military instrument that will have inevitable and dramatic repercussions on personnel.

Rome, 22 September 2015