Safe Roads in Sicily


After 866 days of intense and rewarding work, the "Lancieri di Aosta" ceded the command of the V "Western Sicily" group composed of the sub-sectors of Palermo, Trapani, Agrigento, Caltanissetta and Ragusa.

The sector saw the Lancers operate without saving resources and energy, disengaging the mission entrusted to them best in a long, complex and demanding operation on various fronts, in particular in the control of migratory flows, where they operated on the front line at the Lampedusa Island and the Pozzallo site, in contrast to criminal associations in the metropolitan area of ​​Palermo in competition with the public security forces.

Under the command of the "Lancieri di Aosta" they operated, as well as all the squadrons of the Regiment, also many other departments of the Armed Forces and not only. In particular, in the last period, also the Air Force has competed, with its staff, to guarantee the control of the Lampedusa sub sector.

In 866 days of operation the "Lancieri di Aosta", commanded by Colonel Spartaco Tassinari, constantly employed on average more and more 350 men and 30 tactical means in constant coordination, as well as with the public security forces, also with the prefectures of the main Sicilian provincial capitals. At all times the values ​​expressed on the ground have given the Lancers the widest recognition both in the civil and military sphere.

11335 patrol services both on foot and motorized, over a million kilometers traveled, about 10.000 assisted migrants are just some of the figures that photograph the operation that the "Lancieri di Aosta" have just concluded.

The contest in the recovery of migrants following the shipwreck of the 03 Ottobre 2013, the numerous attempts to escape from the expulsion centers foiled, the magistrates who have been guaranteed an adequate security framework, surveillance at foreign consulates, represent some of the delicate tasks carried out by the men and women of the Lancieri and by the staff of the other departments whose "Lancieri di Aosta" command made use of the task assigned. After the passing of the baton with the 4 ° Guastatori the commitment of the Lancieri resizes but does not cease. In fact, two squadrons of the "Knights of Sicily" will still be responsible for the sub-sectors of Palermo and Trapani.

Source: Command of the Land Operational Forces