SIO and "Livex" in the foreground at Cesiva

(To Ce.Si.Va)

Friday 17 November, the Second Act of the 2 ^ 2017 Operational Integration Session (SIO) ended at the Army Simulation and Validation Center (Ce.Si.Va.), while at Tadic Training Centers of Cap Teulada (CA) and Lecce, respectively, closed the "Capricorn 5 / 2017" and "Centaur 4 / 2017" tutorials respectively.

The 2nd SIO 2017, held at the "Giorgi" barracks in Civitavecchia from 30 October to 17 November and aimed at configuring the C2 digitalized systems, saw the use of a team of Armed Force specialists coordinated and supervised by Ce staff. Yes.Va .. The activity follows the one carried out at the Center from 16 to 27 October completely dedicated to the "Test Scenario", during which, with the performance of a "Risk Reduction" preparatory to the Technical Tactical and Technical Experimentation Campaign Operational (TT&TO), the operational tactical acts with functional verification tests were defined on the new software versions of the C2 systems. The third and last part, scheduled to take place from 20 November to 1 December at the Tor di Nebbia shooting range in Lecce, will be entirely dedicated to the “Conducted Phase” with the practical development of the aforementioned tactical acts.

At the Capo Teulada polygon, from 6 to 17 in November, the "Capricorn 5 / 2017" exercise took place.

The "livex" activity, which allows the units of the Armed Forces to operate in real environments, using their own weapons, vehicles and weapon systems supplied, saw a tactical infantry group trained in planning, organizing and conducting a peace support operation in the Middle East Theater. In particular, a BLUFOR unit, consisting of a tactical group of the 151 ° "Infantry" regiment of the "Sassari" brigade, was opposed to a GENFOR (Generic Enemy Forces) formed by a smaller complex of the 3 ° bersaglieri regiment.

During the exercise, daytime and night-time activities were performed, characterized by increasing activation in terms of intensity and difficulty.
Finally, at the 2 ° Level Lecture Center in Lecce, the "Centauro 13 / 17" tutorial was held from 4 to 2017 in November.

The activity, the concluding act of the Tactical Earth Exploration Course, saw the BLUFOR Unit, consisting of RSTA, VFP1 / 4 and VSP Running Officers, opposed to the OPFOR Unit formed by a platoon of the 31 ° regiment wagons.

Within the training simulation Live, Constructive and Virtual, the Center for Simulation and Validation is the main reference of the Army for the preparation of command posts, staffs and units destined for use outside the national territory by using technologically advanced simulation and command IT systems. control, utilizing the collaboration of industry experts and staff already employed in the Reference Operations Theater.