The evolution of the values ​​of militarity in the officers' club of the Turin Army

(To Army Majority State)

"Obedience, Loyalty, Honor and Discipline: the evolution of the values ​​of militarism": this is the theme of the conference held today at the Turin Army officers' club by prof. Pierpaolo Rivello, military attorney general at the Court of Cassation.

During the meeting, moderated by the historian and writer Gianni Oliva, prof. Rivello has provided insights on the relevance of the essential values ​​of the military world, highlighting, from the legal point of view, both the evolution of the application over time up to the present, and the perception of them in different cultures and societies.

In particular the prof. Rivello stressed that "obedience, loyalty, honor and discipline are not empty terms, unnecessarily bombastic, but instead are terms rich in value, suitable to perfectly combine with the need for efficiency of a modern Army, a complex organization and technologically advanced ".

The professor. Edoardo Greppi - full professor of international law and co-rapporteur of the event - highlighted the effects of denial of these values ​​when bent to the service of totalitarian ideologies in the Western world and in globalized society, starting from Nazi war crimes up to the recent dramatic events linked to religiously motivated terrorism.

The event was attended by numerous authorities from the legal, academic, institutional and religious world, as well as a large representation of all the armed forces. The debate saw the interested involvement of the young officers attending the Army Application School and of the students of the degree program in strategic sciences, who were able to confront each other on a fundamental subject in their educational and professional path.