The military genius intervenes for the bad weather emergency in Genoa


In the morning 30 soldiers of the army of the 2 ° brigade brigade regiment of Piacenza arrived to start the activities to rescue the population by using the means and equipment supplied to the department.

The army platoon, in particular, will employ tactical means for the transport of personnel and special means suitable for the restoration of the road system including rotated backhoe loaders, generators, water pumping pumps and field lighting towers.

(UPDATE h.22.00):

At the disposal of the prefecture, men and army vehicles entered into action in Genoa for the restoration of the viability in the Foce district, in via Ivrea and via Diaz. Other units of the army, a battery of the 1 regiment of mountain artillery and a further platoon of the 2 regiment, a genius for about a total of about 100 men, are in influx and will arrive late in the evening.

Army men and vehicles are housed in the Vittorio Emanuele police station thanks to the availability of the weapon.

The armed force has made available a complex of operational capabilities and among these: the engineer bridges regiment of Piacenza, the mountain artillery regiment of Fossato and helicopters. Of these forces another 200 men and two work units are readily available.

The army will provide all necessary concessions of men and means keeping the competent organs of the Defense General Staff informed.

The means and professionalism of the army are a dual capacity capable of intervening, at any time, throughout the Italian territory in support of the national community, as demonstrated during the emergencies and natural disasters that have hit the country over the past years. 12 engineering regiments are homogeneously distributed throughout the territory, expressing not only operational but also civil protection capabilities.

Source: Army Majority Staff

(photo: web)