The police station completes 201 years

(To Army Majority State)

The army commissariat corps celebrated yesterday in Rome, in the "A. Gandin" barracks, headquarters of the "Granatieri di Sardegna" brigade command, the 201 anniversary of its establishment.

The army logistic commander, general of army corps, intervened in the presence of the flag of the army police station, the Rome Capital City banner, decorated with the Gold Medal for Military Valor and numerous military and civil authorities. Leonardo di Marco, and the highest ranking officer of the body, Major General Salvatore Farì.

In his speech, General Leonardo di Marco, in his role as head of the logistics area of ​​the armed force, after having thanked the authorities and the personalities present on behalf of the Army Chief of Staff, stressed how "it is important to the delicate and silent work of the commissioners who, from behind the scenes, firmly ensure the functioning of the entire Armed Force in pursuit of the objectives set both on the national territory and in the numerous theaters operating abroad ".

The ceremony continued with the awarding of the staff of the body that stood out for particular merits and the awarding of diplomas to the 97 course attendants of Commodity and applied chemistry for officers of the armed forces, held at the Sapienza University of Rome.

The event ended with a practical demonstration that saw the use of shelters, pneumatic tents and field mobile assets used by a police platoon. Also available to visitors is a static exhibition with newly conceived vehicles and materials.

The army commissariat corps is a logistic body born from the unification, in the 1998, of the pre-existing distinct bodies of administration and commissariat. Its functions are expressed at the managerial, managerial and inspection levels and can be summarized in the logistical - administrative support aimed at ensuring the best conditions of quality of life for the military personnel employed in the homeland and in international missions.