Genoa: 200 army men at work for the bad weather emergency


At the behest of the defense ministry, 200 army soldiers are working in Genoa to restore viability. According to the indications received from the prefecture, the military are intervening in the Ligurian capital, in the Foce district, in via Cesarea, Via Diaz and Via Volturno and in the municipalities of Montoggio and Campo Ligure.

The activities are coordinated with the prefecture of Genoa and the presidency of the region through a connection unit of the armed force deployed on Saturday.

For this emergency, the army has made available a complex of operational capabilities and among these: the engineer bridges regiment of Piacenza, the mountain artillery regiment of Fossano, the 32 sappers engineer regiment of Turin, the 10 genius sappers regiment of Cremona, the 1st transmission regiment of Milan and the support regiment of the NRDC Command of Solbiate Olona, ​​units of the Folgore paratroopers brigade and helicopters. Of these units 430 men and three helicopters are readily available and able to intervene at short notice.

The army will provide all necessary concessions of men and means keeping the competent organs of the Defense General Staff informed. 

Source: Army Majority Staff