The sinkholes: between denialism and revisionism
The February 10 marks the "day of remembrance" in memory of the massacre perpetrated by the Yugoslav forces of Marshal Tito against the Italian population in Istria, Venice ...
10 February 1947: the price of defeat
The 10 February 1947, exactly 70 years ago, for Italy the transition period between the end of the second world war and the reintegration in the ...
Curiosities about the Roman army, from Pliny the Elder
Natural Stories, according to Pliny the Elder is - according to his nephew Pliny the Younger - a "vast, erudite work, not inferior in nature, for variety of ...
Operation Greif: special forces in the Ardennes
During the winter between the 1944 and 1945 the German Reich, now at the end of its strength, received the help of two precious allies: bad weather and Otto Skorzeny. The first intervention ...
The Nazi criminal died in Syria in Assad's jail
Alois Brunner, one of the most wanted Nazi criminals who escaped the Nuremberg trial, died 16 years ago in a Damascus cellar. To reveal the end of the Nazi promoter ...
1917: Turning in the Mediterranean
The great historian Indro Montanelli, at the time a child of just seven years, remembered very well, at the time of his "History of Italy", the worried atmosphere he dominated in ...
Eleven days lost in the Atlantic: the incredible survival story of an RAF crew in WW2
The story of 6 resurgents in the Royal Air Force survives well 11 days in the icy Atlantic seas. At the height of the Battle of the Atlantic a ...
December 18, 1941, the Night of Alexandria, a legendary feat
December 18, 1941 - Eastern Mediterranean - 18.40 pm, the Italian submarine Scirè arrived at the established point, 1,3 miles by 356 ° from the port's west pier light ...

41 years from the first flight of the Italian Tornado
A few weeks ago, celebrating the 60th anniversary of the 311 Pratica di Mare Group (known to all as the Experimental Flight Department ...
"We assault England!": The board game designed by Nazi propaganda that perhaps consoled Adolf Hitler
Conquering the 'perky Albion' has long been longing for the Führer, as with the Emperor Napoleon before him;
Cancellara, ceremony dedicated to the "Fallen and Missing in War"
The commemorative ceremony dedicated to the "Fallen and Missing in war ..." took place on Thursday 10 November in Cancellara (PZ).
Nazi secret base discovery in the Arctic Circle: Schatzgraber exists
Schatzgraber, the secret Nazi base built by direct order of Adolf Hitler in 1942 during Operation ...
The Navy and the 8 September 1943 - An invisible and decisive blue wire
Talking about the defense of Rome between the evening of 8 September 1943, a quarter of an hour after the announcement of the armistice ...
D'Annunzio and Gramsci prophets in River
Forward deserters, so Filippo Tommaso Marinetti defined the authors of the river company led by the poet ...
The Greek War of Independence: Byron l'archistrategos
Greece, an ancient land known for its philosophers and poets, first of all the great Homer (who knows if it was ...
100 years ago the sacrifice of Nazario Sauro: memory of the first violator of ports of the Navy
Venice, 30 July 1916, 10.00 am: Nazario Sauro embarks on the Pullino submarine for his sixty-second action ...
"Sporty Huns": German pilots who risked their lives to warn that two British prisoners were safe
When we talk about war pilots, we often end up in the rhetoric of those who, despite having been ...
Marina Militare and Arma, a combination that is more than a century long
Port of Anzio - 11 November 1910. “The Carabinieri today delivers to you, commanders, crews of the two ...
Jutland Jack: 100 years after the memory of the courage of a sixteen year old
"It is not wealth or ancestry, but honourable conduct and a noble disposition that maketh men great" (I am not the ...
13 February 1942: the sinking of the Tempest submarine by the torpedo boat Circe
On February 12, 1942, the torpedo boat Circe, under the command of Lieutenant Captain Stefanino Palmas, was carrying out ...
