July 20, 1969: "The Eagle has landed!"
They were the 20: 18 UTC of the 20 July 1969, when Neil Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 mission, put his feet on the lunar ground for the first time by saying the famous phrase ...
Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian genius
Guglielmo Marconi died in Rome the 20 July of 1937, exactly eighty years ago, due to a heart attack. With him disappears a great protagonist of the beginning of the '900. To him...
The Anglo-American War of the 1812
1812 was a turning point for history, as Napoleon's Empire, reached its maximum splendor, attempted the invasion of Russia, inexorably marking its ...
A "glacial" mission for the Regia Marina
"City of Milan" was the unit of the Royal Navy, under the command of Giuseppe Manoja, which left the port of La Spezia on March 20, 1928 to support the Arctic expedition of ...
The 1995 Air Force between Peru and Ecuador: the war-torn war (part 2 / 2)
At the beginning of the 90 the tension between the two countries for the disputed border of the Condor-Canepa went back dramatically with numerous accidents on the border. Adding fuel to the ...
Military life in antiquity
In the ancient world the military career had a greater importance than it has in our time, certainly it gave rise to greater comfort; this is logical if you think that ...
The polar expedition of the Duke of the Abruzzi, 1899-1900, on Polar Starship
Following the first circumnavigation of the globe, carried out by the Magenta pyro-corvette (see article), in order to continue to promote national interests, ...
The Special Department
The 1961 will be remembered as one of the worst years in South Tyrol's history: in June, in fact, one of the most beautiful regions of Italy leapt to the center of the news for ...

The 1995 Air Force between Peru and Ecuador: premise and set-up (part 1 / 2)
Between Ecuador and Peru there has always been an age-old border dispute dating back to the first demarcation of ...
The Magenta Pyrogorvetta is the first Italian ship to travel around the globe
Only five years after the Unification of Italy, the kingdom was already beginning to weave its foreign policy relations ...
The golden galleon
Caribbean Sea November 2, 1641, on this day consecrated by the piety of the living to the cult of the dead, a ship loaded with ...
The Battle of Waterloo
Waterloo is one of the most important battles in history, as it represents the tomb of the Napoleonic Empire, the ...
Pantelleria, 15 June 1942, under the sign of Antares
June 1942: the Regia Marina has been involved for months in contrasting British convoys to Malta. Malta, base ...
HMS Dreadnought: The ship that triggered the naval run
Between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, after the abandonment of the walled artillery and their ...
War of the people and war of war: dead and wounded, but something changes with the Revolution
The "king's war" was a "private" affair. The military "caste" of a monarchy conflicted with that, identical and, ...
Testimonials from D-Day: "It was total chaos!"
The memory often abandons man with the passing of time and advancing age, but reserves timely surprises when ...
SS-TotenkopfverbÀnde Division
SS-TotenkopfverbÀnde, known as "Totenkopf", a name that evokes terror, a name that refers human memory to ...
The siege of Rhodes
"When shall we scape from the delay of Rome? And when, slow Venice, will thy Soccours come? How often too have we in ...
29 May 1453: The Fall of Constantinople
Five hundred and sixty-four years ago, Mohammed II the Conqueror, seventh Sultan of the Osmanli dynasty (...
Over a century since the beginning of the Great War: reflections from the sky
The 24 May 1915, one year after the beginning of hostilities, Italy entered the war next to the powers of the Entente: ...
