Syria, the government advances in Aleppo while the Kurdish front breaks

(To Giampiero Venturi)

The International Committee of the Red Cross confirms the bombing of seven hospitals across the country with the involvement and death of an unknown number of civilians. 5 facilities in the suburbs of Aleppo and two others in the Ghouta area east of Damascus and Idlib in the now well-known capital of the North-western Syria Governorate would have been affected.

Anti-government sources (Human Rights Observatory) would assign the responsibility to the Syrian Armed Forces that with the help of massive Russian air raids would be in full offensive in Aleppo and in the eastern suburbs of the capital. The same sources are flying over the condition of civilians, forced into the role of human shields in urban areas under the control of Islamist militants. 

From the military and political point of view, the news indirectly confirms what sources of Online Defense have been reporting from the field for several weeks. While from the southern front the only novelties concern the increase of Tupolev 22M Russian air raids against ISIS concentrations around Deir Ezzor, in Aleppo the real game is played. In the northwest district of Layramo, there are units of the Republican Guard and 4a The mechanized division of the Syrian Armed Forces would occupy key points in the industrial area, continuing to tear up slices of the metropolitan area in the hands of Islamic fundamentalists. 

Also in the north of Aleppo (in Kafr Ghaan), very bloody clashes are reported between militia members of the Caliphate and so-called wards Free Syrian Army. Dozens of rebels would have fallen but the news would have no official confirmation. The data are part of the dispute between anti-Assad factions we have been discussing for several months. Everything to see the role of Turkey, godmother of Al Nusra, in light of what is happening in Ankara these days.

The real political novelty comes instead from the northeast of Syria. Militants Thuwar Al-Raqqa, part of the coalition SDF  (Syrian Democratic Forces) set up by the USA to focus on Raqqa against the Islamic State, they would have clashed against the Kurds of the YPG. In addition to a dozen Kurdish militiamen, an American soldier would also have died.

The troops SDF contend in Damascus the race on Raqqa and in general the outcome of the war against the Islamic State. We have already talked about it. One of the factors of greatest weakness would be the multi-ethnic component of the front, formed by both Kurdish militants and Arabs. The Kurds blame the Arabs on the lack of reliability and the enigmatic ideological position within the Syrian war. The Arabs in turn point the finger at the Kurds, accusing them of putting their national designs before the common battle.

Waiting for implications in Aleppo we are waiting for news from all sides. The elimination of the Islamists of Jaish al Islam in the Ghouta pocket east of Damascus, it could release fresh forces for the Syrian army and partially change the balance in the field also in the southern front.

(photo: SAA)