War ordnance cleared in Mantua, Verona and Trapani

(To Army Majority State)

In recent days, the sappers of the 8th parachute regiment "Folgore", of the 10th regiment of Cremona and of the 4th engineering regiment of the brigade Aosta, have completed three different operations to clear wartime ordnance.

The first intervention was carried out in the municipality of Santa Ninfa (TP) where the clean-up operations began with the securing of the bomb, a 600 pound (equivalent to 272 kg) aircraft bomb which contained, inside , over 150 kg of high explosive. Subsequently the device was transported to a quarry for destruction, safeguarding the safety of the population.

The second intervention took place in the municipality of Marcaria (MN), where a complex land reclamation activity was completed, neutralizing two airplane bombs dating back to the Second World War. The war remnants weighing 2 pounds each (equal to approximately 500 kg), containing 227 kg of high explosive, were found in an excellent state of preservation and still active, during the systematic reclamation works within an agricultural area located near the Piadena-Mantua railway line.

In Verona, however, a war remnant dating back to the Second World War was neutralized. The device, an aircraft bomb weighing 100 pounds (equal to approximately 362 kg) with high explosive potential, was found inside a construction site during work on the construction of a power plant and promptly placed in safety conditions. The delicate clean-up operations began following the completion of the evacuation procedures of the clearing area (258 meters from the discovery site) which involved resident citizens; during the activities, for safety reasons, a ban was also placed on overflying the entire area of ​​operations.

The Italian Army, in addition to operational use, is able to intervene throughout the national territory in cases of public utility and in situations of natural disasters, proving to be a decisive and effective resource in all circumstances.