Peacekeeping at 187 ° rgt. thunderbolt


The seminar held by the paratroopers of the 187 ° regiment of the "Folgore" brigade ended yesterday in Livorno, in favor of the course "The civilian personnel of peacekeeping / peace building operations and of political missions", organized by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa.

Attendants, coming from different countries, not only in Europe, have received propaedeutic notions for employment in crisis areas, from crisis management, to orientation skills in difficult conditions to signs about how to behave in case of capture.

Now consolidated practice for the prestigious Pisan Institute, which relies on the paratroopers of the "Folgore" brigade to receive practical theoretical teachings, the result of experience and professionalism acquired over the countless jobs in high intensity contexts.

Source: Command of Terrestrial Operations Forces