November of "Livex" at the Army Simulation and Validation Center

(To Army Majority State)

As part of the planning of the training activities of the Army Simulation and Validation Center (Ce.Si.Va.), in the period 5-23 November 2018, the employees of the Tactical Training Centers (CAT) of Capo Teulada, Lecce and Monteromano were engaged in three distinct “Livex” exercises.

The purpose of the "Livex" exercises is to allow the trained units to operate in real environments using the individual weapons, vehicles and weapon systems provided. The activity, conducted in two distinct moments, sees a preparation phase comprising the study of the scenario and of the training objectives during which the field detection sensors and mobile devices for the control and evaluation of the exercise are deployed, and a phase of conduct that develops with ongoing actions on the ground of 36 / 48 hours, constantly followed by observers / controllers and analysts able to monitor and evaluate the decision-making processes of the commanders of each level and the behavior of the units on the ground.

On November 5, at the training area of ​​Capo Teulada, the "Capricorn 5/2018" exercise started, an activity focused on opposing parties that saw BLUFOR units (friendly forces) formed by a tactical group of 1 ° Bersaglieri Regiment, to OPFOR units (enemy forces) composed of a minor complex of the 3rd Bersaglieri Regiment. During the exercise, the 1st Bersaglieri Regiment operated on several missions: from conducting reconnaissance patrols to using the reserve; from the planning and conduct of escort convoys to the distribution of humanitarian aid, to the treatment of the wounded.

The following week and until November 15 at the CAT in Lecce, the fire activity "Centauro 5/2018" was held. In this context, the BLUFOR units made up of officers attending the 196th course of the Military Academy and employed at the Cavalry School (1 tank platoon) faced each other with OPFOR units at the platoon level of the 31st tank regiment using, for the first time in the simulation kits supplied for the “ARIETE” tank were continued. The purpose of the activity was to train officers in the procedures for using the tank platoon during offensive and defensive tactical activities in classic combat, ensuring the perfect training of the trainees as commanders of men and, specifically, to strengthen the ability to conceive , plan and conduct a tactical activity protracted over 24 hours with particular reference to the exploitation of the land.

Finally, from the 12 to the November 23, at the CAT of Monteromano, as part of the 2 ^ session of Operational Integration 2018 of the NEC Program (Network Enabled Capabilities), the "Scorpio 6 / 2018" exercise took place. The exercise was aimed at the need to evaluate the increase in combat capacity, in terms of "situational awareness" and superiority of engagement of a smaller unit equipped with the NEC force program systems compared to a smaller unit not equipped of such systems. In this context, the CAT of Monteromano was used, as "Battle Lab" in the conduct of a "Prototype Refinement Experiment", in a "force on force" exercise by 48h during which the BLUFOR units, composed of a minor complex formed on the basis of the 6 ° Bersaglieri regiment, were opposed to an OPFOR unit formed by a platoon of the 1 regiment Granatieri di Sardegna and the 8 regiment Lancieri Montebello.