Twentieth anniversary of the VI “Firmness” course

(To Army Majority State)

On Friday 13 October the former marshal students of the VI "Fermezza" course crossed the gates of the "Soccorso Saloni" barracks to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of their entry into the NCO school of the Army.

In front of the emotional gaze of their families, they were able to relive the ideal motivations of twenty years ago, sealing a symbolic twinning with the marshal students of the XXVI course, animated by the same principles and the same passion and conviction in undertaking a life of service of the homeland.

Greeted by the commander of the School, Brigadier General Roberto Vergori, by all the staff of the permanent cadre and by the students, the participants renewed their bond of belonging to the course and to the School, where they learned - said the commander - the value of discipline, military ethics and institutional loyalty that accompanied them in service and in life, making them better and stronger.

La NCO school of the Army constitutes the reference point for the basic and advanced training of all non-commissioned officers of the Armed Forces.​