Medical officers of the 2 ° Fod in the front line of Cardarelli of Naples


In the headquarters of the 2nd Command of the Defense Forces of Central and Southern Italy and the Islands, a collaboration agreement was signed between the “A. Cardarelli ”and the aforementioned Command.

The commander, army corps general Carmine De Pascale, met the general manager, dott.ssa Patrizia Caputo, with whom he signed an agreement that provides for the frequency, by the medical officers of 2 ° FOD, of the departments of medical and surgical emergency of the Cardarelli Hospital, in order to keep alive the culture and the medical preparation and at the same time promote professional growth in the difficult sector of health emergencies.

The medical officers, assisted by their colleagues at the hospital, will carry out a training course that will see them first engaged in first aid activities, in specialist outpatient clinics and finally in the operating theater, in surgical activity.

The updating of medical personnel is essential to ensure the multiple health activities of both institute and operational and for this reason it is required by current regulations and is followed with the strong interest of the Armed Forces.

The signing ceremony of the agreement, held in the presence of military personnel and a representation of medical students intervening for the occasion, was followed by an illustration of the tasks of the 2 ° FOD, held by the Chief of Staff of the Command, Luigi Vinaccia brigadier general, in the various theaters operating abroad, as well as numerous national commitments, not least the "Safe Roads" operation.

A report by Dr. Scarpati on the first aid measures in health emergencies followed by a report by prof. Noschese on Disaster Medicine, which closed the ceremony.

The event, organized by prof. Giuseppe Noschese and the lieutenant colonel doctor Luigi Mangone, has recorded the full satisfaction of Dr. Caputo and General De Pascale, convinced that the synergy between different institutions insistent on the territory is important for the growth and development of professionalism to always be ready for emergency management.

Source: Command of the Land Operational Forces