Training week for the "Nembo" paratroopers

(To Army Majority State)

A training week has ended for the 183rd "Nembo" parachute regiment, during which offensive tactical activities were conducted in a warfighting scenario, coordinated from a tactical group command post.

Thanks to the participation of a platoon from the 8th Parachute Engineer Regiment, passive obstacle forcing was also conducted during the action. Furthermore, the use of technologically advanced simulation systems, such as interactive targets with collapsible silhouettes, has significantly contributed to increasing the training realism of the entire activity.

During the week, the paratroopers also trained in a circuit that allowed them to test, maintain and increase individual capabilities in various areas: use of radio and communications equipment, MCM (Military Combat Method), first aid on the battlefield and BLS (Basic Life Support), procedures for requesting fire support and E-CAS (Emergency-Close Air Support), explosive device recognition and C-IED (Counter-Improvised Explosive Device) procedures.

The training activity allowed significant moments of verification, maintenance and improvement of the capabilities of the participating units. The constant attention to training thus consolidates that operational readiness which is a peculiar characteristic of paratroopers and Army soldiers.