"Employment opportunities": course for "Patentini Impianti Termici"


The closing ceremony of the 15 ^ edition of the "Thermal Plants conductors" course was held today at the vocational training center of the autonomous province of Bolzano, which saw the participation of various categories of military personnel in fixed and short-term stops, selected through specific interviews, held by CME "Trentino Alto Adige" personnel with the qualification of "professional counselor".

In particular, today, to the military patrons who have joined the project "employment opportunities" and who have successfully completed the thermal plants course by passing the final exam in front of the external commission made up of provincial professors and technicians, the certificate that certifies the skills acquired during the specific training activity.

Thanks to the Memorandum of Understanding stipulated in favor of the military next to the leave and thanks to the precious availability of the teachers of the autonomous province of Bolzano, the visitors were able to acquire a "license" valid throughout the national territory for the conduction of thermal plants, as an increasingly sought after qualification for entering the world of work.

Source: CME "Trentino Alto Adige"