New Army Chief of Staff


General Danilo Errico is the new Chief of Staff of the Army, replacing General Claudio Graziano who on February 28 will assume the post of Chief of Defense Staff.

The rotation was officially sanctioned by the passage of the Army War Flag, the ceremony took place yesterday afternoon at the military Hippodrome gen. "Pietro Giannattasio" of Tor di Quinto in the presence of the Minister of Defense Roberta Pinotti, the Undersecretaries of State for Defense, Gioacchino Alfano and Domenico Rossi, and the Chief of Defense Staff, Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli and numerous civil and religious authorities and military.

After thanking the numerous authorities who took part, General Graziano turned his thoughts "to all the personnel involved in crucial and risky preparation and training activities, which are carried out in silence but which involve important personal and professional sacrifices". "The personnel - added General Graziano - is the real center of gravity of the Armed Force, to which we must continue to dedicate the best resources to increase security in operations both abroad and at home". 

During his speech, Minister Pinotti stated that "the Italian Army has always proved to be a fundamental resource, on which to be able to count in the context of global, present and future responses, to any threat brought against their freedom and prosperity" .

General Errico, after having received the Flag of the Army, addressing the soldiers engaged in operations in Italy and abroad, declared "You are our pride and the pride of the whole of Italy". And he urged the women and men of the Army to continue to serve our country with pride and pride ”.

(DO was present) Good vision!

 See also the pictures of the ceremony