New bersaglieri receive the fez

(To Army Majority State)

Yesterday, at the "F. Trizio" barracks in Altamura, seat of the 7th Bersaglieri Regiment, the ceremony for the delivery of the "fez", the Bersaglieri's specialty headgear.

I Volunteers in One Year Fixed of the 1st block 2nd echelon 2020, assigned to the regiment framed in the “Pinerolo” mechanized brigade, they received the coveted distinctive headgear of the values ​​and traditions of Bersaglieres at the end of a demanding basic training cycle.

During the ceremony, which took place in full compliance with the provisions established for the containment of the current health emergency, Colonel Andrea Fraticelli, commander of the regiment, after having delivered the "fez" to the young Bersaglieri, recalled the civil and military values ​​on on which the glorious specialty is based and how these have always inspired the actions of the Army's feathered infantry.

The delivery of the fez, which took place in the presence of representatives of the local section of theNational Bersaglieri Association, was enlivened by the notes of the Fanfare of the 7th which for the occasion also sang the “Hymn to the Seventh”.

The crimson fez with cord and blue tassel called "ricciolina", made its appearance during the Crimean war of 1855, in the battle of Cernaia during which, the Zouaves, chosen units of the French expeditionary force, donated this characteristic headdress to the bersaglieri, in recognition of the value expressed by the Italian troops on the battlefield.