The Army Aviation Training Center recalls the magg. Fornassi


(Viterbo) Yesterday, at the Historical Museum of the Air Force of Vigna di Valle, a commemorative ceremony was held with the inauguration of a monument to remember a friend, a colleague who disappeared seven years ago during a flight mission.

In the tragic accident the magg lost his life. Filippo Fornassi, pilot pilot of the Army Aviation, included in the Team for the introduction of the NH90 helicopter.

The place chosen, located on the shores of Lake Bracciano, contains a large load of historical memories related to the aeronautical deeds. The infrastructure was home to the Aeronautical Experimental Center and an air rescue flight group. Today it houses numerous and precious finds related to the aeronautical world.

At the commemoration, which took place in the presence of the Army Aviation Commander, gen. Antonio Bettelli, were present the Fornassi family, the commander of the Training Center, gen. Giancarlo Mazzieri, the director of the museum, ten. with the. Pierluigi Poletti, and a significant representation of the National Aviation Association of the Army.

Source: Army Aviation Command Statement