The 186 ° Folgore at the international STANTA 2014


The international exercise "STANTA 2014" ended in Great Britain, which was attended by a company of paratroopers of the 186 Folgore di Siena parachute regiment.

The activity was organized and conducted to test and improve the strategic projection capabilities of aviotruppe simulating an operation carried out jointly with the English paratroopers, in order to recover the compatriots from an area of ​​crisis in every part of the world.

In this training context 100 parà of the 186 ° Folgore paratroopers regiment were brought to England with a C130 of the air force took off from Pisa from which they launched to reach the Stanford Army Training Area, a training area of ​​the British Ministry of Defense located to 50 miles north of London.

After reuniting with British paratroopers who took part in the action, the paratroopers of the 186 ° Folgore paratroopers regiment conducted the search for compatriots in a large urbanized area where civilians were located, recognized and recovered by way of terrestrial.

The particular training context and the nature of the infrastructures present in the exercise area, besides giving the activity an unusual realism, have allowed training the paratroopers to fight in the inhabited centers, to treat the wounded and to refine the complex aeronautical procedures.

The British unit that participated in the exercise operated in the dual role of friendly force, supporting research and recovery, and hostile and disturbing strength.

Source: Command of Terrestrial Operations Forces