The lagoons celebrate the XXXI anniversary of the specialty


The army lagoons celebrated in the "Edmondo Matter" barracks, the headquarters of the "Serenissima" Lagunari Regiment, the thirty-first anniversary of the official recognition of the Lagunari specialty.

The commander of the Regiment, Colonel Massimiliano Carella, in the presence of the War Flag of the unit and the deployed departments, recalled the commitments of the Lagunari in the last period and paid tribute to all the fallen of the Regiment.

With the agenda of the Army, the Army Chief of Staff, general of army corps Danilo Errico, has formulated to all the Lagunari the most fervent greetings and the affectionate acknowledgment affirming that they represent the "modern" guardians of the glorious memories of the "Fanti da Mar" of the "Serenissima" Republic of Venice, from which they inherited the banners, the battle cry, the spirit and the temperament, the Army Amphibious Troops have always distinguished themselves for their spirit of body , dedication to duty and exemplary professionalism ".

The Brigadier General Domenico Pace, commander of the "Pozzuolo del Friuli" Cavalry Brigade of which the Lagunari are maneuvering units, also took part in the military ceremony.

Source: Command of Terrestrial Operations Forces