Stopped aggressor in Rome

(To Army Majority State)

A patrol of the "Savoia Cavalleria" regiment (3 °), effective at the "Lazio, Umbria and Abruzzo" group, headed by the "Granatieri di Sardegna" brigade, blocked an individual in a state of alteration in recent days, who was damaging one of the surveillance cameras.

The soldiers, recalled by the screams of some commuters, immediately intervened to immobilize a man, who, after having damaged a video camera, had thrown himself against the staff of the Autoferrotranriari Transport Agency of the Municipality of Rome (ATAC) which the he told him to stop.

During the agitated phases, the aggressor, an Italian citizen, tried to attack the patrol without succeeding thanks to the prompt reaction of the "Knights" who managed to stop the fugitive.

The subject was handed over to the Police Forces who took care of the ritual duties.