Army: the book "The great Italian war. The battles" by Gaspari editore presented in Rome.

(To Army Majority State)

The volume was presented today in the Central Military Library of the General Staff of the Army "The great Italian war. The battles" by Gaspari publisher.

The book, written by Dr. Paolo Gaspari, historian and publisher, by Dr. Marco Pascoli, one of the greatest experts in graffiti and vestiges of the Great War and by Dr. Paolo Pozzato, military historian, tells of the major battles of the Great Italian War. the extraordinary test of resistance and the collective sacrifice paid by all families of all regions and culminated in the defeat and destruction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, against which we had fought for seventy years to achieve our unity and independence.

Among the political and military authorities present at the event, Senator Nicola Latorre, President of the Defense Committee of the Senate of the Republic, the Chief of Defense Staff, General Claudio Graziano, the Army Chief of Staff, Corps General 'Army Danilo Errico who in his speech highlighted the clarity and easy reading of the work, despite the professionalism and historical rigor of the contents. Gen. Errico then pointed out how "This book helps us to understand what were the inspiring principles and motivations of the soldiers of the time and which still animate the men and women of the Army operating in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Iraq and many other missions today".

The project was introduced by Division General Giuseppenicola Tota, Head of the General Affairs Department of the Army General Staff and moderator of the event, which was also attended by the retired Army Corps General Alberto Ficuciello, promoter of the entire project.

The volume consists of more than 500 titles, of which a very large part on the Great War ranging from the reconstruction of the battles to the minor battles, illustrates the historical-tourist guides on the places of the 600 kilometers of the front, and tells the biographies and the war of women as well as the diary.

@Esercito #noicisiamosempre

(Photo: SME)