Sethlans 2017 artillery tutorial

(To Army Majority State)

Yesterday, after a week of intense logistic and training activities, the exercise of named artillery ended Sethlans 2017, conducted in the range of Monteromano (VT) by the training regiment of the artillery command.

Supervisors to the training of the marshals students of the 17 ° course, the commander of the Army Non-Official School, division general Toscani De Col, and the artillery commander and inspector of the Arma, Brigadier General Fabio Giambartolomei.

The activity has been validated to consolidate the technical knowledge of the trained personnel and to enable the voluntary staff in fixed pre-established (VFP4) to the use of the weapon systems supplied to the national artillery units, as well as to verify the technical and tactical capacities of the staff of the 21 ° artillery regiment "Trieste", for the first time "on fire" with a mechanical towing howitzer FH-70.

A battery of the 21 regiment on FH-70 howitzer and two oblique batteries on self-propelled PzH 2000 and on an 120 mm Thomson mortar from the training regiment carried out the artillery fire in day and night.