The 88 ^ Alpine National Assembly ended today in L'Aquila


With the traditional extraction of thousands of Alpine troops through the streets of the center, the 88 / ma National Assembly hosted in L'Aquila was closed. The final day was attended by Senator Roberta Pinotti, Minister of Defense, together with the Chief of Defense Staff, General Claudio Graziano and General Danilo Errico, Chief of Staff of the Army.

At the head of the parade the Alpini of the 9 ° regiment stationed in L'Aquila marched by Colonel Massimo Iacobucci, preceded by the Fanfara of the Alpina Taurinense Brigade, and followed by the thousands of Sections and Groups of the National Alpine Association.

In his message of greeting addressed to all the Alpini of Italy, the Minister of Defense highlighted the importance of choosing the town of Abruzzo for the rally, a non-random choice, given the strong link between L'Aquila and the Alpini, the which - after the earthquake of the 2009 - have helped the population and helped to rebuild the city, reassuring and bringing back the normality after such a tragically exceptional event.

Senator Pinotti recalled the commitment of the Alpini in arms and on leave in all the serious emergencies known to the country: Vajont, Friuli, Irpinia and more recently Emilia and Liguria, not counting the interventions abroad, in Afghanistan as in Central Africa, in aid of millions of people through the implementation of thousands of projects.

During the three days of the meeting, the Army's Alpine Troops - in collaboration with the National Alpine Association - set up the Cittadella, an exhibition area in the Parco del Castello, where the reality of the Alpini was presented to more than 70.000 visitors. weapons, a resource for the country and for the mountains, through the exhibition of vehicles, weapon systems and latest generation equipment.

A particular space of the Cittadella degli Alpini was dedicated to the battles fought by the Alpine troops during the Great War, thanks to an installation of the National Alpine Museum of Trento, realized on the occasion of the centenary of the First World War.

The theme of solidarity and relief was finally the subject of an original photographic exhibition entitled "The Alpines are always there", inaugurated on Friday 15 by General Federico Bonato - commander of the Alpine Troops - together with the president of the National Alpine Association Sebastiano Favero.

Source: Alpine Troops Command