Centenary of the Great War: "The Army marched ..."


The press conference presenting the commemorative events for the Centenary of the Great War and the 154 Anniversary of the Italian Army Constitution was held in Rome at the Conference Hall of the Armed Forces Officers' Association of Italy.

The event was presented by the Head of the General Affairs Department of the Army General Staff, General of the Giuseppenicola Tota division, and by Professor Umberto Broccoli.

"The Army marched ..." is the evocative name of the project carried out by the Italian Army to remember Italy's entry into the war and rediscover the sacrifice of a people, of an entire nation.

Three will be the main moments that will characterize the initiative that will take place from 11 to 24 May. The relay of soldiers who, starting from five different locations and running uninterruptedly, will cross streets, villages, towns, shrines and cities until they reach the Piazza Unità d'Italia in Trieste on the evening of May 24.

Different itineraries will be 5 routes for a total of 4200 km which will have as starting points the locations of Trapani, Lecce, Cagliari, Padua and Aosta.

The more than 600 Army soldiers who will participate in the relay, will pass as a witness the tricolor, the symbol of the unification of Italy. The relay will touch 42 city of all and 20 the Italian regions, from Trapani to Trieste; in the various stages, a copy of the service status of the family members who participated in the Great War will be handed over to the heirs who have already applied for it.

In addition, in concert with the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), the photographic competition entitled "The Way of the Great War" was organized for primary and secondary school students with the aim of involving the young people in the actualized memory of the Great War.

The 24 may, in Piazza Unità d'Italia in Trieste, there will be the flag-raising ceremony with the tricolor brought by the last fractionist of the relay.

Subsequently, in the presence of high-ranking institutional, military and citizenship, the final event will have the aim of remembering the Great War through music, prose, poetry and unpublished images with the narrator's voice of the presenter, prof. Broccoli.

Source: Army Majority Staff