Change of Army Logistic Commander

(To Army Majority State)

This morning, in Rome, in the Transport and Materials School, in the presence of the Army Chief of Staff, Army Corps General Danilo Errico, took place the changing ceremony in the position of logistic commander between the general of army corps Adriano Vieceli and the general of corps d ' Leonardo di Marco armed.

During his speech, the Chief of Staff of the Army expressed gratitude to General Vieceli, noting the exemplary work done, in a moment of profound transformation and revision of the armed force that imposed the implementation and organization of conceptual and structural changes, mainly focused on the need to equip maneuver brigades of greater logistical and combat support capabilities. In particular, General Errico underlined how, given the greater fragmentation of operational commitments, which in any case imposes a greater effort on the logistics component, it has been achieved and continues to guarantee in any case the full sustainability of all departments and units of the 'Army. He added " The work of this Top Command was aimed at improving all the main logistics activities, seeking solutions that aim both to achieve greater efficiency and to reduce expenses".

The army corps general Adriano Vieceli, who ends the active service, in his speech emphasized the effective and strengthened collaboration with the industrial sector with which, through an increased collaboration based on information exchange, considerable advantages were achieved. in the planning of needs and in logistic adherence to the operational needs of the Army.

Il Logistic Command is one of the top commands of the Italian Army to which the logistic organization of the armed force is devolved through the commands Transport and Materials, Commissariat, Health and Veterinary, Technician, the Military Polyclinic of Rome "Celio" and the Central Inspection Core. It ensures the logistical support of all commands and units of the Army both at home and abroad, guaranteeing the care of the personnel and the maintenance of the vehicles and materials in use. It also provides assistance in cases of public calamity for the support of the civilian population.