Change in command of the “Julia”

(To Army Majority State)

The handover between Brigadier General Fabio Majoli and Parisian Franco Del Favero took place today.

During the period spent at the helm of the black pens of the "Julia", General Majoli led the brigade in the "Strade Sicure" operation in Rome and participated with his own dependent departments in numerous exercises.

The war flags of the "Julia" units located in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto Adige and Veneto took part in the ceremony. Army corps general Ignazio Gamba, commander of the Alpine troops, presided over the ceremony which was attended by the local authorities and Professor Paola Carnielli Del Din, Gold Medal for Military Valor.

General Majoli in his farewell speech wanted to underline his satisfaction with what has been achieved in almost two years and expressed his gratitude for the professionalism and sacrifices made by his Alpine troops.