Extraordinary clearance: the Army neutralizes 153 bombs

(To Army Majority State)

The activity of the bomb squad of the Italian Army engaged in the occasional complex clearing of 153 unexploded ordnance dating back to the Second World War has ended.

Starting from 19 June 2023, the specialists of the 21st engineer regiment of sappers of Caserta, a unit of the "Garibaldi" Bersaglieri brigade responsible for the reclamation of war residues throughout the province of the Agro Pontino, under the coordination of the prefecture of Latina, they work with all the various territorial bodies involved.

To facilitate the recovery of the ordnance, mainly mortar bombs found near a dense wooded area in Castelforte, starting from June 2023, the engineers of the 21st regiment have defined a safe route, beating a new path inside of the thick Mediterranean maquis.

About a month and a half after the start of the intervention, all of the bombs were safely transported from the site where they were found in Castelforte and subsequently reclaimed in a quarry in the nearby town of Santi Cosma e Damiano.

In detail, once they arrived at the quarry, the unexploded war remnants were positioned inside blasting chambers made with aids of engineering materials normally used for field fortification works, in order to avoid the projection of any metal splinters. In a second phase, the bomb squad of the Italian Army safely neutralized up to six bombs a day.

Through the use of CMD (Conventional Munition Disposal) teams, the Italian Army confirms a solid and constant presence on the national territory in order to safeguard the safety and security of citizens.