Anti-aircraft artillery in Crete

(To Army Majority State)

In recent days, in Crete (Greece), at the NATO Missile Firing Installation (NAMFI), an important training activity, which involved the Counter-Aircraft Artillery.

The exercise, developed over the course of two days, saw 27 employees deployed at Stinger Shots of the 17 artillery regiment Controaerei "Sforzesca" and of the 121 artillery regiment Contraaerei "Ravenna".
The commander of the Terrestrial Operative Forces, army corps general Alberto Primicerj and the Commander of the Artillery Contra-aircraft, Brigadier General Carlo Zontilli, who had an interview with the commander of the polygon , the general of the army corps Laros Skylakis, who explained to them the activities of the important Greek site.

For the men and women of the Counter-Aircraft Artillery, the launch campaign represents the fundamental moment of specialty training, as well as an appointment aimed at validating the skills expressed by the 17th "Sforzesca", included in the assets of the National Sea Projection Capacity, and the 121st "Ravenna", included in the Joint Rapid Response Force.