Anniversary of the disappearance of gen. Calligaris and cap. Lozzi


“Lord we don't ask you why you took them away, we thank you because you gave them to us”. With these words, Msgr. Lino fumagalli, bishop of Viterbo, recalled, one year after his death, General Calligaris and captain Lozzi, who tragically died in the accident of 22 January 2014.

In a packed church, today 23 January 2015, was held in Viterbo in the Basilica of San Francesco, a Mass in memory of the Fallen.

"A church so crowded - continued Monsignor Fumagalli - testifies to the gratitude for what Giangiacomo and Paolo have given to AVES and to all of us, for the good of society".

The military and civil authorities, colleagues and a large group of ANAE members were present with the banners of the Sections.

General Bettelli, commander of the Army Aviation, read the message from the Army Chief of Staff, General Graziano; he then thanked the city authorities for intervening, the National Association of the Army, "witness of our history", the national president of the ANE gen. Sergio Buono, the colleagues of Paolo's course and all the soldiers present at the ceremony. Finally he turned to the relatives of the fallen, asking them to stay close to AVES and to all the soldiers on duty.

Source: Army Aviation Command