70 anniversary of the "Herring" operation


015 - The 28th meeting of the National Paratroopers Association of Italy ended last Sunday. The event, hosted this year in the municipality of Poggio Rusco (MN), saw the participation of thousands of paratroopers of yesterday and today in a three days full of memory and meaning.

The commander of the Terrestrial Operations Forces, General Alberto Primicerj and the Undersecretary of State for Defense, Hon. Domenico Rossi, who expressed words of praise for what the Italian paratroopers knew to do during the "Herring" operation, contributing significantly to building the peace that Italy enjoys today.

The activities started on Friday 17 with the air launch of the Flags and Paratroopers of the 183 ° Regiment "Nembo" (Pistoia), of the 185 ° RRAO (Livorno) and of the Association's medal collection. First at the door the commander of the "Folgore" Paratroopers Brigade, General Giovanni Maria Iannucci, followed by the heirs of the "Nembo" Paratroopers and the "F" Squadron. On Saturday all those who attended the meeting were able to listen to a concert by the Banda delle Aviotruppe.

The meeting ended at the Poggio Rusco stadium, where a company in arms of the 8th Regiment of Engineers Parachutists "Folgore" of Legnago honored the war flag of the unit. The participation of the civil authorities of the territory, which greeted the precision air-launch carried out by the paratroopers of the Army Sports Center and particularly welcome and significant was the presence of some school groups.

Source: Command of the Land Operational Forces