It took place at the "Soccorso Saloni" barracks, headquarters of the Officers' School of the Army, the 11th corps non-commissioned officer course.
The activity promoted the exchange of knowledge, skills and experience necessary to maintain and develop the fundamental components of the Institution, acting under the light of military ethics and keeping the unifying identity and attachment to service intact over time.
In greeting the attendees, the commander of the School, Brigadier General Roberto Vergori, highlighted that the Army is a complex system, whose functioning and reliability depend on the responsibility and relevance of each of its individual components, especially the human one, of every order and degree: “The role of corps non-commissioned officers - he precised - is instrumental in keeping the Institution cohesive around its objectives and actions, supporting the sense of belonging, the winning mentality and the mutual respect and trust of its units. Aspects that are strengthened in the sense of common duty, earning respect in the field, being fair and capable of spending oneself for others, listening to those who have more experience and guiding those who have less."
At the Officers' School of the Army, the academic skills of the University of Tuscia intersect with the wealth of experience gained in decades of military operations in operational theaters abroad and on the national territory, ensuring continuous education and training, which will allow marshal students to operate effectively, with high operational readiness and versatility of use in modern scenarios and in any operational environment.