154 ° anniversary of the Italian Army constitution


The celebrations for the 154 Anniversary of the Constitution of the Italian Army began this morning with the deposition of a laurel wreath at the Shrine of the Fallen in the courtyard of honor of Palazzo Esercito.

Subsequently, at the Military Hippodrome Gen. "Pietro Giannattasio" of Tor di Quinto, a military ceremony was held in the presence of the Minister of Defense, Roberta Pinotti, the Chief of Defense Staff, General Claudio Graziano and the Chief of Staff Army, army corps general Danilo Errico.

"Always ready with respect to the needs of the country", so the President of the Republic wanted to define the commitment of the Army in his message of good wishes, while General Errico reported the phrase with which the Minister of Defense intended to enclose the essence of 'Army: "We are always there".

During his speech, General Errico also underlined "that the past teaches us that the Italian Army was the first instrument and vehicle of unity and, subsequently, the full expression of the national community". “Today the Army - added the Chief of Staff - continues to be a solid point of reference both at the international level and for the national community, where it takes care of the increasingly demanding requests for internal security. A complex of activities that has made the Army a real resource for all Italians ”.

During the ceremony, the Minister of Defense awarded the Gold Medal for Military Valor to the Army War Flag, the Army Gold Medal for Valor to Major Corporal Monica Contrafatto, the Silver Medal for Valor of the Army to the caporal major Pasquale Mele and to the caporal major Gennaro D'Agostino, the Bronze Medal to the Army Valor to captain Giovanni Iafolla and to chief marshal Luca Costanzo, wounded soldiers and soldiers who distinguished themselves for particular acts of value in Afghanistan and on the national territory.

The ceremony ended with the carousel of spears and with the traditional charge of the "Lancers of Montebello (8th)".

Currently, there are about 9000 Army soldiers engaged in international operations in 17 different countries and on the national territory as part of the "Safe Roads" operation, 3 are the generals of the Italian Army in command of important international missions: UNIFIL in Lebanon, KFOR in Kosovo and EUTM SOMALIA in Somalia.

Source: Army Majority Staff