The aim of the course is to provide, in about three weeks, the knowledge bases and essential information to the personnel that will be used in the recognition, treatment and management of remote-sensed images, with particular reference to digital images coming from different types of sensor optical, electro-optical and radar.
This qualification is preparatory for access to higher level courses - in the field of Remote Sensing - to acquire the qualifications of "Interpreter", "Analyst" and "Military Analyst of remote sensing images". It is also one of the modules provided for by the training profile of the "Operational Information Officer" staff of the Italian Air Force.
Finally, most of the visitors to this latest edition will continue, also at the Aerocooperation School, with the WSR (Weapon Sistem Recognition) course, recognition of weapons systems, scheduled by the 29 September.
Source: PIO School of Aerocooperation, Maj. Antonio Caliandro