The course provided, in two weeks, the necessary knowledge to perform the functions of the person responsible for the terrestrial and naval air cooperation activities, as well as the basic notions for access to the subsequent courses of Liaison Officer GLO / NLO / ALO (Ground Liason Officer / Naval Liason Officer / Air Liason Officer).
During the course, the visitors also made some educational visits to the Command Center in Chief of the Naval Team (CINCNAV) of the Navy and to the Interforce Operations Command Headquarters (COI DIFENSE).
The School of Aerocooperation is the military interforces institute specialized training and technical-operational value in the field of interpretation of remote sensing images (aerial and satellite) and in that of aeroterrestrial and aeronaval cooperation.
For the training and qualification of Advanced Air Controllers, the School has also recently obtained NATO certification.
The courses held at the School of Aerocooperation are open not only to military personnel of the Armed Forces, but also to personnel outside the Administration of Defense and to military personnel of NATO and countries participating in the International Partnership for Peace program (PfP - Partnership for Peace), subject to authorization by the General Staff Defense.
Source: Aerocooperation School - Guidonia (RM) - Mg. Antonio Caliandro