The solemn ceremony took place on the Piazzale delle Medaglie d'Oro of the Aeronautical Academy in Pozzuoli (NA), in the presence of the Minister of Defense, sen. Roberta Pinotti, of the Chief of Defense Staff, General Claudio Graziano and of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General Pasquale Preziosa.
"You have consciously chosen to serve Italy" - said the minister addressing the students - "an extraordinary country that needs extraordinary people, rich in values such as you are".
Minister Pinotti, in thanking all parents, families and teachers and all those who allow the existence of an organization such as the Italian Air Force, wished the young students good wishes "you are here today because you have breathed values at home of great significance, which inspired an important choice and sacrifice ".
Taking advantage of the passage of the Frecce Tricolori during the ceremony, the minister recalled that it will be Le Frecce "Italian excellences" to kick off the opening of the Expo on 1 May, symbol of Italy that flies, that looks forward, that he can do it.
The Chief of Staff of the Air Force turned to Corso Sparviero V making a request "Always be curious. Curious to know, deepen, stimulate. Perhaps you can become a nuisance for your teachers and commanders. But curiosity is the frontier of knowledge. And the bar of knowledge, they will teach you, must always be raised one step higher ". General Preziosa then continued "girls, boys, years of commitment await you, you must be aware of it, but also of honor. Like that of wearing the tricolor on your arm and heart. And when you are engaged in operations abroad, such as the staff now in Lithuania and Kuwait, that Tricolore will identify you as Italians. Be proud of it! "
In his speech the commander of the Aeronautical Academy, General Fernando Giancotti, after greeting all the military and civil authorities and the guests present, highlighted "our training project must first generate a knowing how to be, but it must certainly also promote knowledge and a know-how of excellence, capable of understanding the complexity and its systems and acting effectively in highly challenging environments where unprecedented risks and threats today still cause untold suffering in peoples, profoundly touching our hearts and, directly or in a worrying prospect, our sphere of defense and security of the country. The tension towards this excellence is the commitment that we trainers feel cogent in our hearts ".
Source: Aeronautical Academy - Pozzuoli (Na) - chap. Giulio Finotti