The three-week course, specifically designed and implemented in English by the School, upon specific request by the Defense General Staff, is part of the training offered by a memorandum of understanding between the two countries.
The aim of the course was to provide, through the treatment of a series of theoretical-practical issues, the elements useful for acquiring an overview of RADAR Imaging, seen as the ability to understand and analyze, also through specific software, of RADAR images. and their treatment for information and interpretation purposes.
In particular, the didactic activity focused on the architecture and capabilities of the Cosmo-SkyMed satellite constellation, on the analysis and processing techniques of RADAR images, as well as on the study of typical scenarios and on the analysis of the changes detected. Furthermore, some basic concepts on the functioning of electro-optical satellite sensors were provided.
The Aerocooperation School is the military inter-agency of specialized training and technical-operative value in the field of the interpretation of remote sensing images (aerial and satellite) and in that of aeroterrestre and aeronavale cooperation.
For the training and qualification of Advanced Air Controllers, the School has also recently obtained NATO certification.
The courses of the School of Aerocooperation are open, in addition to military personnel of the Armed Forces, also to personnel outside the Defense Administration and to military personnel of NATO and of the countries participating in the international program of Partnership for Peace (PfP - Partnership for Peace), with the authorization of the Defense Staff.
Source: School of Aerocooperation - Guidonia (Rm) - 1 ° m.llo Virginio Salvatori