The purpose of the initiative undertaken by the Air Force Task Force - Kuwait is to allow the Iavazzo Association, which operates at the San Saturnino Parish to obtain, through the recycling and sale of plastic stoppers, loans intended to promote and support reintegration projects social support for people in need. The heart of the project is the theatrical laboratory, where the Association's young people have the opportunity to express their creative, communicative and body expression abilities to give them a moment of free expression.
Recycling plastic caps, in addition to being a good way to do solidarity and charity, is also an excellent strategy for protecting the environment.
The Air Force, although engaged in the international anti-ISIL coalition operation in a particularly complex and delicate operational theater, through the military of the Air Force Task Force - Kuwait, manages not to forget to carry out initiatives in favor of the environment and people who are in great need of social and economic help.
Source: TFA Kuwait - t.col. Federico Russo