On 21 February 2024, an official visit took place by the air team general Luca Goretti to the Aviation English training center in Loreto (Cen.For.Av.En.), accompanied by the president of the senior sergeants and enlisted men (SGMT) 1 ° lgt. Mario Bonaventura, and by a representative of COCER AM, 1st lgt. Oreste Fania.
The commander of the cen.for.av.en. with the. Giancarlo Filippo, after welcoming, presented all the numerous and diversified activities of the centre, with a briefing in the presence of all the heads of the department. At the end, the head of SMA intended to meet the SGMT president, the members of the military representative base council and the unitary trade union representation.
The visit continued with the arrival at the center and related meetings with Ser Mons. Fabio Dal Cin, archbishop of Loreto and pontifical delegate Dr. Filippo Saltamartini, vice-president of the Marche Region, Dr. Moreno Pieroni, mayor of Loreto, as well as the president of the Loreto section of the Air Force Association, col. (r) Giovanni Santilli, to underline the strong bond that unites the territory to the Arma Azzurra and in particular to the cen.for.av.en., which has boasted a presence for approximately 94 years, albeit in various forms, first ONFA, AM non-commissioned officer training school then and, for just under 20 years, language school.
After a visit to the historic Villa Bonci, to the structures of the Porto Potenza Picena (MC) area, which included, among other things, a passage from the "Smoking Room", from the various accommodations for visitors and from the "Testing Center" (where certifications for JFLT, TAE, TPT and JTAC take place), at the end of his presence, the head of SMA wanted to personally address a greeting to all the staff of the permanent framework, expressing his satisfaction for the high professionalism and motivation shown by the centre's staff, who operate in a strategic sector fundamental for the future of the Armed Forces, such as language training, representing a true niche of excellence in this sector, also at joint, national and NATO level.
The cen.for.av.en. depends on the schools command / 3rd air region of Bari and deals with the training and assessment of the linguistic skills of Air Force personnel, and the assessment and teaching of aeronautical English "Aviation English" to flight controllers and personnel airman of the Air Force, but also of other armed forces and ministries.
It also provides training for personnel belonging to specific specialties which, in accordance with European sector regulations, require an adequate level of technical-linguistic knowledge to obtain the "aeronautical maintenance technician licence".